The players are members of the Council of Leaders in the Chimaeron. Each is Mayor of a town or province and has a power base there as well as being on the Council of Leaders.
Charrek is a Dwarf and recently revealed he was born a slave in the Gorgon-dominated lands of Mur-Kilad, not Burak-Azhik as was widely thought. He escaped and came to the Chimaeron a number of years ago and settled in Rourke.
His is well known for his mining skills and rose up in the ranks of the Mining Guild of Rourke, leading a gang of hard-working Dwarves. He became Grand-Master of the Mining Guild and then Mayor of Rourke following the death of his predecessor.
Charrek has a strong, deep voice and is out-spoken on topics close to his heart at the Council of Leaders, especially opposing slavery. Unlike most other dwarves, Charrek and his gang keep their heads shaved.
Lukas was born in Luandar in the Chimaeron, but his odd accent and looks suggest that his family origin is not local.
It is said that he started off life as a fortune-teller, but soon caught the eye of Luandar's Mayor, Oltslaf Magnusson. Lukas became a close confident of the gangster mayor and was appointed deputy mayor for his loyalty. Shortly after, Magnusson was murdered by foreigners and Lukas stepped into replace him.
Lukas has shifty eyes and a slightly posh accent, oddly out of place in the underworld of Luandar. Despite that, he is firmly in control of his town. He is a quiet and observant member of the Council of Leaders.
Mara is the only female leader in the Chimaeron, but her beautiful looks conceal her strong personality.
Mara comes originally from Anuire and was married at an early age to a merchant in Careine. That husband disappeared mysteriously one night, but Mara inherited his small business and made it flourish. She rose up the ranks in the Merchants Guild of Careine as her business grew.
Mara married her predecessor as Mayor of Careine, but on their wedding night he and all his guests disappeared. Despite, or perhaps because, of this she was made Grand-Master of the Merchants Guild and elected unopposed as Mayor of Careine.
Mara does not speak often at the Council of Leaders, but when she does her acid tongue can put anyone down. She has a son and a daughter from her first marriage.
Vlad's family are Vosian, as his name suggests. He came to Hamein a number of years ago and became a ferry operator.
The Ferryman's Guild is the main source of revenue in Hamein and Vlad was able to make himself moderately successful after he joined. When Mayor Kreed of Hamein was found one morning with his head removed an election was held for his replacement. Vlad stood against the deceased Mayor's son, Pikos Kreed and defeated him decisively, most say through heavy bribery of voters.
Vlad is a huge, overweight man who always dresses imaculately and enjoys eating. He has a strong voice on the Council and has been known to get into arguments with members who annoy him.
Aidan, Hari and Lukas propose at the Council of Leaders that Denerick Stormsinger is elected Leader of the Council. Denerick has 300 pirates at his command and the backing of the Three Brother Mages. They reveal that Yuri betrayed the Mages, which is why Mayor Oltslaf was killed.
Hakim backs Denerick, but Vladimire, Mara, Charrek and Yuri oppose him. The Council is tied four votes each. Denerick is not at the meeting.
Denerick's pirates sneak in Lyssan and overwhelm the militia while the Council is meeting. Vlad has his throat cut by Hari Bourne while trying to stop Denerick's supporters from escaping.
Mara, Hakim, Yuri and Charrek, taking the unconscious Vlad with them, leave Lyssan just before it falls to Denerick.
Denerick Stormsinger turns up to the Council of Leaders, but behaves oddly. It is revealed in the Chamber that he has been replaced with some sort of magical creature that Hakim calls a Djinn.
The Council is meeting in Careine due to plague in Lyssan. The Chimaera visits them in the City to demand that they do not interfere in the magical war between her and the Three Brother Mages. Most members of the Council believe her visit was an illusion send by the Brother Mages.
The Council resolves to raise an army and fight the Mages. Aidan Shalon is to march on Mhowe and take
Plague breaks out in Lyssan. Denerick Stormsinger is absent from the Council of Leaders meeting.
Vlad reports a goblin infestation in Hamein. The Goblin Slavery law is suspended at Charrek's insistence, at least until the goblin emergency is resolved.
A new commander, Bram Van De Berg, is appointed for the army and it is moved to Hamein. The army has the plague though and there is an outbreak in Hamein. Vlad hires doctors from Rohrmarch to come to help his sick people.
Council members step up their search for the Three Brother Mages.
Charrek Ironfist is missing from the Council of Leaders meeting, having been attacked on the road by brigands after money.
Yuri Kavlor persuades the Council to pass a law forbidden goblins to own property or have jobs in the Chimaeron. They can only be slaves. Hakim el-Qadr, who was accomodated 300 goblins in Barniere, is the only member to oppose the law.
Denerick Stormsinger is heavily criticised on the Council for not doing anything about pirates or mages operating in his province.
The Coeranian Ambassador returns to the Council of Leaders with a more friendly approach and gets them to agree to an investigation into the pirates. Mara Mantel agrees to arrange the investigation.
A group of Dwarves from Burak-Azhik are introduced to the Council by Mara and their leader, Dueran, asks them for an appointment with the Chimaerea, which they unable to give him. They tell him about the Three Brother Mages and although they are enemies of the state, Dueran says he needs to speak to them about the consequences of the earthquake. Dueran hires a house in Lyssan and asks anyone with any information to approach him.
Yuri Kavlor gets agreement from the Council to muster the first standing army. Each province will sent militia to join the army.
The Council of Leaders discovers that the Anuireans who killed Mayor Oltslaf have gone to see one of the Three Brother Mages, who are competing for the magical power in the Chimaeron.
An Earthquake strikes the Chimaeron, damaging Lyssan and Rourke. Goblins, gnolls and orogs come down out of the Iron Peaks and begin causing problems in the provinces. There are stories amongst the goblins that the mountains have been tainted with dark magic.
Charrek Ironfist successfully transports 5,000gp to Lyssan as a part payment of the debt he owes. Two of his three parties are attacked on the way.
The Council of Leaders is told that a group of Anuireans lead by a Lord from the City of Aniure killed Mayor Oltslaf Magnusson after he helped them. Yuri Kavlor demands action. Careine sends 100 militia to Lunadar to help with the search. 50 more come from Lyssan and 20 from Salviene.
Lukas Tremaine leads the militia in a search for the Anuireans in the swamps north of Luandar, but learns that they have crossed the river into Coeranys. Spies are posted but no one knows where they are.
Charrek Ironfist has 5,000gp for the 10,000gp he owes to the Council. He offers it to help Yuri hire the Red Eagle company from Rohrmarch. He transports it successfully to Lyssan, having send two dummy groups of Dwarves out on the obvious routes. Both those groups are attacked, but Charrek's group take a boat to Barniere and then ride to Lyssan. The Red Eagles are not that keen to work in the Chimaeron.
An election is held in Luandar. Lukas Tremaine wins by 500 votes to 300 for Sal Magnusson, the son of the previous mayor.
Oltslaf Magnusson, Mayor of Luandar and friend of Yuri Kavlor, Chairman of the Council of Leaders, is murdered in his home.
Rumour has it that the murderers are a group of Anuireans who recently arrived in Luandar. His deputy, Lukas Tremaine, is summoned to the next Council meeting by Yuri Kavlor to report on what has happened.
Maria Mantel is chosen as Grand Master of the Merchants Guild of Careine and then becomes Mayor of Careine when no one challenges her in the election.
Edward Fletcher, Mayor of Careine, announces he is marrying Maria Mantel, the woman who it has been long said was the real power in Careine. Recently the two had appeared to have fallen out, but it seems they have made up.
A spectacular wedding is held between Fletcher and Mantel. That evening though, Fletcher and a number of his supporters who were attending the wedding disappear. Maria Mantel is widely believed to have murdered them.
An election is held in Hamein for a new Mayor. The candidates are Pikos Kreed, son of former Mayor and Vladimir Vladimirovich, a Vos Ferrier. Kreed publically accuses Vladimirovich of murdering his father during the election.
In a surprise result, Kreed is heavily defeated in the election by Vladimirovich, who joins the Council.
Lord Myonos, Mayor of Hamein for the last 20 years, is dying of old age. It is rumoured that the old man had accumulated a fortune in gold.
Although he is dying, he is found one morning in his bed, with his head missing, cut off in the night by an unknown assassin.
The Council of Leaders declared a 1,000gp reward for the capture of Hector Vey, dead or alive.
A dwarf named Charrek Ironfist replaces Stein as Mayor of Rourke.
Chair of the Council Yuri Kavlor holds the Mayor of Rourke responsible for replacing the stolen funds. The Council votes to give Rourke a year to raise 10,000gp.
Antinus Stein, Mayor of Rourke, member of the Council of Leaders and Treasurer for the Council, falls ill and dies suddenly. One of his aids, Hector Vey, runs off with the State Treasury, taking more than 10,000gp.