Story Log of Game Play

Each session begins with the meeting of the Council of Leaders and the political events it creates. The Player Characters then return to their towns and deal with local events and carry out character actions for the month.

The game covered the period from April to December of the in game year 824IC (by the Imperial Calendar).

824IC Spring Domain Turn

Game Session 20/05/2020 ....

The Council of Leaders

Yuri Kavlor has called an early meeting of the Council of Leaders in response to the death of Oltslaf Magnusson, Mayor of Luandar. Leaders arrive in Lyssan, to discover that they await the arrival of the Deputy Mayor of Luandar, who has a report on how the Mayor died.

Lobbying for Broken Hill

While they are in Lyssan waiting for the Council to be called into session, the Leaders are lobbied by Radyar Falcon, asking them to support the Mayor of Broken Hill becoming a member of the Council, but he finds little support.

Are Woman Allowed?

Eventually, the Deputy Mayor arrives and after a private meeting with Yuri, the Council convenes. Yuri, the Chairman, begins by welcoming everyone but asks if Careine is supposed to allow women to become Mayor. Mara Mantel replies that she's here, isn't she? Yuri then says this is man's Council where they discuss important issues. There's no room for crying and emotional outbursts. Mara tells him to start the meeting and we will see who starts crying first.

The Murder of Oltslaf Magnusson

Yuri tells everyone that he is very concerned about the death of his friend Oltslaf Magnusson at the hands of foreigners. He introduces Lukas Tremaine and tells the “boy” to inform the Council what happened.

Lukas explains that a Lord from the City of Anuire and his entourage arrived by ship, having made a deal with the Mayor of Luandar to get his help. Then they turned on him and killed him.

They have now fled into the marsh lands north of Luandar. Sal Magnusson, son of the Mayor, took some of his men and went after them. Lukas does not think they find them and are more likely to end up dead.

Action is Required!

Yuri demands immediate action. He tells Lukas to turn out the town militia to hunt down these murderers. He then turns to the new member, Mara Mantel, and tells her to send some of her militia from Careine to help. She is reluctant to do so and he tells her that members of the Council are not there to talk but to pull their weight or go away. He expects her to send 50 men.

He tells Hari Bourne that he is not far and he should help too. Hari suggests he could spare a few men. Yuri insists he could spare at least 20 men.

Offers of Help

Vlad offers a 100gp reward to any farmers in his area who can help track down the invaders, although he lands are on the other side of the Iron Peaks.

Denerick Stormsinger offers to sail his ships up the River Qatil to assist in the search, although they will not be able to set sail until he returns to Mhowe, which will take a day or more. Charrek asks if he has carrier pigeons, but Denerick says his ships would not sail on the orders of a pigeon. As the Admiral, he would need to be there to command them. Yuri laughs that Denerick is Mayor, a “Prince” and now an “Admiral” too. He gets more titles every day.

Further Questions

Charrek starts to question the details of the story. How do we know they are Anuireans? Lukas says that was obvious from their dress and how they spoke. Do we know he’s a Lord? He had Anuirean heraldry. Do we know which Lord it is? There are no experts on Anuirean heraldry known to live in the Chimaeron.

Hari wonders why assassins would advertise their identity. Charrek suggest that they could be imposters, deliberately using the Heraldry of a Lord to try to implicate that Lord in the murder. Yuri is disgusted that they could be in the middle of some political fight between two Anuirean nobles.

Charrek suggests that it would be good to take these foreigners alive and find out more about them. Yuri says that depends if they resist being captured, in which case they will be killed.

The Marshes

They discuss the likelihood of the foreigners being caught. If they cross over into Coeranys, that would make things difficult. Denerick, the Ambassador of the Chimaeron, tells them that relations with Coeranys are cool, they are not friends. He offers to write a letter asking for their help.

Yuri asks what the marshes are like and Lukas mentions they are the home to tribes of Lizard Men, who are fiercely territorial. They may kill the Anuireans, but if not they will make life difficult for city militia. They will need better soldiers.

Hiring Help

Vlad suggests that they hire some adventurers and Yuri says what if they used the reward he was offering. Vlad initially points out that reward was just for farmers in his lands. Aiden Shalon, the Treasurer, points out that 100gp would not be enough to interest adventurers, it would have to be at least twice that. Vlad agrees reluctantly to double his offer and Charrek says he will match that, so they have 400gp to offer adventurers.

Yuri says they need someone to hire these adventurers and tells Mara that her nice City is the best place to do it. It is time she proved herself. Mara agrees to do some advertising and see what happens. Yuri reminds her she will judged by results.

Yuri points out that the Red Eagles, a mercenary company, is currently in Rohrmarch, looking to find employment in that country’s civil war. If they had 1,000 to 1,500gp they could probably hire them. Aiden says that the Treasury does not yet have that much money spare. Charrek says he has accumulated 5,000gp towards the debt he agreed to pay, an amount that surprises Yuri, who immediately agrees that he should bring that money to the capital. He will open negotiations with the Red Eagles in the meantime.

Ending the Meeting

Yuri is then satisfied that they can do something about these foreigners and brings the meeting to a close. He says he still expects Careine and Salviene to send militia to help Luandar until the mercenaries and possibly the adventurers can be hired.

After the Meeting

The Council members linger and chat amongst themselves in the Council room. A lot of them spend a little time chatting with Mara, hoping to get to know this new member. She puts on a façade of friendliness. Lukas is expected to stay by Yuri, who will look after him, but Lukas soon moves away to make friends on his own.

Extending the Deadline

Charrek has a quiet word with Yuri, asking as he won’t have the 5,000gp to help raise the rest of the money he owes the Council, he be given more time to raise the rest. Yuri is unsympathetic and tells him he is too late, he should have mentioned it at the Council meeting. Charrek then asks everyone present if they think he should be given more time to raise the rest of the money and there is a slight murmur of agreement, but most look to Yuri, who is not looking impressed.

Aidan discusses with Charrek the logistics of getting the money to the Treasury and they agree he will send it in 5 loads of 1,000gp to avoid the risk of losing it all.

Social Event

That evening there is a social event in Lyssan for the Leaders and their invited friends. Yuri is the host and he brings along his rough-looking friends who lead Lyssan’s criminal gangs. One of them, his right hand man, Billy Harkin, is also Captain of the Militia of Lyssan. They dominate the gathering.

Denerick drinks and flirts with Mara. She is polite but uninterested. Charrek has with him two other Dwarves, both of whom have shaved heads. Vlad is accompanied by a beautiful girl who is stick thin and tiny compared to his huge figure.

Radyar Falcon manages to get into the gathering and approaches Lukas, asking if he formally proposed to the Council that he be allowed to join. Lukas suggests this as not a good time as they had an important issue to discuss.

Vlad bumps into Radyar and suggests if he wants to make friends, he could offer some of his city militia to help search for the foreigners who murdered the Mayor of Luandar. Radyar thanks him for the tip and goes to talk to Yuri.

Election for Mayor of Luandar

New comes through from Luandar that Lukas Tremaine has been elected Mayor. He beat his opponent, Sal Magnusson, son of the previous mayor, by 500 votes to 300.

Game Session 27/05/2020 ....

The Council of Leaders

The Council assembles in Lyssan for the May meeting. Denerick and Lukas travel together from Luandar.

Yuri Kavlor welcomes them and has Lukas Tremaine give his report of the pursuit of the Anuireans, while mentioning that he was elected Mayor of Luandar.

The Hunt for the Anuireans

Lukas tells them that he lead the militia force up the river into the swamps searching for the Anuireans. They encountered a woman with ape servants who lives on a large rock, who gave them information that the Anuireans had crossed over the river into Coeranys and they did not want to follow.

Yuri says that he expected a bit more done than that. Do we know where they are now? No. Does he have people looking for them? A few but there is no sign of them.

Yuri says the Red Eagle company was not that keen on working in the Chimaeron and wanted to see the money up front. Yuri had to wait until Charrek Ironfist delivered the 5,000gp he promised last month, which he did. However, the Red Eagles have yet to commit.

Did you Cross the Border?

Yuri then specifically checks if Lukas at any point crossed the river into Coeranys. Lukas suggests he was not in command, but Yuri counters that he has been told he was. Lukas says it was a joint affair and he did not cross the border, he cannot guarantee that no one else did.

Yuri says the reason he is pressing the point is because the Ambassador from Coeranys is in town and wants to meet them. He has not said what he wants to talk about, he will address the whole Council. The chances are he wants to discuss possible border violations.

The Three Brother Mages

Yuri continues to press Lukas about the border, until Lukas mentions that he was told the Anuireans had gone to see a wizard in a tower across the border. Yuri is annoyed that the “The Three Brother Wankers” are involved.

Charrek Ironfist has no idea what he is talking about. Yuri explains about the Three Brother Mages, three Khinasi wizards who are contesting control of magic in the Chimaeron with the Chimaera herself. One has a tower in marshes where the Anuireans are, just on the border in Coeranys, the second is somewhere in Mhowe and the third is in the mountains in Hamein.

Vlad points out there are no mountains in Hamein, he must mean Salviene. Yuri says that is just what he has heard.

Denerick says if one of them lives in his city, he does not know who he is and anyway, there are many Khinasi citizens in Mhowe. Also, he cannot just arrest him for no reason.

Yuri ponders if the Three Brother Wankers hired the Anuireans to kill the Mayor of Luandar. Hari Bourne says that is a long way to come just to murder someone. It would be much easier to recruit someone local.

Yuri suggests that Lukas, Vlad and Denerick make enquiries in their provinces to find out more about the Brother Mages.

What about Broken Hill

Lukas mentions Broken Hill and suggests that they could help find the Anuireans, which Vlad agrees with. Yuri is sceptical and Hari Bourne says they are just a bunch of miners with no particular skills.

Vlad and Hari get into an argument and exchange personal insults when Vlad asks if Hari has found the Anuireans and Hari counters that Lukas was the one charged with finding them. Hari send militia to help him do that – how many militia did Vlad send?

Yuri says trying to get nine time wasting idiots to come to a decision about things is hard enough without adding another member to the Council. Charrek asks what if they remove the least productive member of the Council. Yuri proposes removing the shortest member or how about the fattest member who takes up two seats anyway?

Charrek then points out all they are proposing is to hold a vote – no guarantee it will pass – if Broken Hill can find the Anuireans for them. Yuri asks if that is acceptable and all members except Hari Bourne agree.

Wanted – Alive! 500gp Reward

They then discuss other measures to try to catch the Anuireans and Yuri remembers that Mara Mantel was supposed to be hiring adventurers. She reports that there were not many enquiries and those that did were not suitable.

Yuri reminds Charrek he pledged 200gp and has not delivered it and the Dwarf says he was focusing on the 5,000gp and forgot. He will do it this month.

Yuri then says what about if he added 100gp? That would be 500gp, which could be offered as a reward for the Anuireans who murdered the Mayor of Luandar - dead or alive. Mara says all that will result in is someone killing the nearest Anuirean and ask for the money. They are needed alive for questioning and Yuri agrees.


All of a sudden the room begins to shake and this grows stronger and stronger, as a significant earthquake strikes Lyssan. There is a lot of panic and concern until it passes.

Yuri looks out of the window and sees there has been significant damage to the City of Lyssan below them, although the Tower of Watch appears mostly unscathed. One city building in the North Side district is on fire.

Yuri says the meeting over, but someone reminds him about the Ambassador from Coeranys. He swears and thinks for a minute, then says there will be a two-hour break for lunch, then they will resume. He pledges to bring the Ambassador back with him and promptly leaves.


Charrek tells the remaining members he has brought enough food for all of them to have lunch here. Vlad is not impressed and heads downstairs to go to a local café, only to discover that the earthquake has caused considerable destruction. A wall has collapsed here. A column fallen over there. People are trapped and property damaged. The café is closed.

Vlad returns to the Council Chamber and eats a lot of the ham that Charrek has brought with him.

High Sceptor Aidan Shalon makes a long speech saying how he follows a Goddess of the Sea and does not know a lot about these earthquakes. He suggests that the priests of Gods of the Land clearly are not devout enough and have been found lacking by their Gods. Charrek points out earthquakes are caused by movements of rock underground and are nothing to do with the Gods, but Aidan simply preaches more about the legacy of the Battle of Diesmaar and the creation of the new Gods.

Coeranian Ambassador

Yuri returns with Maggio Glain, Ambassador of Lady Eluvie Cariele of Coeranys. He has come to discuss the important issue of piracy and the constant attacks on Coeranian shipping and trade over the last year.

There has been a lot of evidence, from survivors who described the dress, accent and manor of the attackers and the fact that the attacking ships were short range, that point to the most likely source coming from the Chimaeron.

Only last week, two ships from Coeranys were attacked off the coast of Salviene. One ship was plundered for its cargo and the second one sank, which was actually carrying over 4,000gps.

Tempers Flare

The Council members do not react well to this and there is a general murmur of disapproval and denial. Hari Bourne points out that Salviene does not have any ships big enough to attack others. Also, he is a brothel and casino owner, he does not engage in piracy.

Ambassador Glain says he is not accusing anyone specifically. He is looking for a commitment from the Council of Leaders that they will take this issue seriously, stop the pirates and offer recompense to Coeranian ships that are attacked.

Charrek points out that an investigation is required to establish evidence. The Ambassador, losing patience, insists there is evidence and that they are the Council of Leaders. Either they are involved in this or know who is.

Charrek counters that they need to also eliminate the possibility of them being forced to make payments when the allegations are false. The Ambassador is outraged by this and tries to interrupt to insist that is not the case, but Charrek firmly points out that he is talking and the Ambassador should not interrupt. The furious Ambassador storms out of the meeting in disgust.

Pirates Need to Behave

Yuri tells Charrek he fucked that up and then suggests that whoever is behind this piracy should calm it down for a while and stop annoying the neighbours. It is having diplomatic consequences.

Denerick Stormsinger stands up at that point and announces that he is sick of the insinuation that he is behind this and insists he is not a pirate. He owns trading ships and he has been working to try to stop the pirates.

Yuri says his comments were not aimed at anyone in particular, but he is the mostly likely person to be involved or know who is, as he is the only ship owner on the Council. Denerick continues to assert that he is not involved in piracy and suggests other possible culprits. Vlad (or was it Charrek?) asks why he waited until now to make his denials. Why has he not offered to help find the pirates? Denerick counters that he was going to until Charrek upset the Ambassador and he left.

Treasure Hunt?

Yuri winds the meeting up at that point, reminding the various members of their commitments. He then leaves in a hurry, clearly concerned about the aftermath of the earthquake. Hari Bourne follows him out.

Hakim chats with the remaining members, lamenting that Charrek made the Ambassador leave before they could find out more about where that ship with 4,000gps sank. While neither he nor Vlad are in a position to do much about it as they are on the other side of the country, Mara or Lukas could try to find the ship. That sort of money could make someone rich.

Aidan begins to talk about how with Nesirie’s blessing they may be able to deal with this pirate problem and the other members make their excuses and leave.

Mountain Pass Blocked

As members of the Council leave the Tower of Watch, they all see the scale of the damage in Lyssan. There are now two fires in the city. They head back to their home towns.

Denerick travels with Lukas, as his ship is docked in Luandar. He continues to deny that he is a pirate. They both discover that the pass through the mountains from Lyssan to Luandar has been blocked by a rock fall. They return to Lyssan for help, but realise that the citizens are too busy dealing with the damage to the city.

They encounter Vlad, who has taken his time leaving. He offers to travel with them to Hamein and then he will provide a ferry to get them both home, which they agree to. Along the way, they encounter a group of travellers saying they have been attacked by goblins from the mountains.

Earthquake Aftermath

As each Leader reaches their home town, they have all been affected by goblins, gnolls and orogs coming out of the mountains and attacking residents and travellers. It is clear that this has been caused by the earthquake.


Mara Mantel soon discovers that orogs have been attacking travellers on the Careine / Lyssan road. At a meeting of the Merchants Guild of Careine, they discuss the City’s response to these attacks. Most of the members just want the militia to drive off and kill the orogs, but one member, Alias Mainz, says this could be an opportunity. Orogs would make powerful guards and their strength could help with manual labour jobs. The other members say having orog guards will damage the reputation of the City and discourage other humans from trading.

Mara has Mainz lead a delegation to go to the orogs and offer some of them employment if they stop attacking travellers, asking Captain Ost to appoint a good man to protect him.

Mainz returns to tell Mara that the orogs left their mountain refuge because it was destroyed in the earthquake, but also their shaman said the mountains had been tainted by magic and it was not safe to stay there. They want food and somewhere to stay. Mara agrees to provide food and let them settle in an area away from the city.


It becomes common knowledge that Yuri Kavlor refuses any goblin entry into Lyssan, despite a large number of them turning up over time. Over 200 of them form a refugee camp outside the city, but after a week Yuri send in the militia to break that camp up and move the goblins along. This causes the goblins to migrate into Barniere and Hamein.


Some farmsteaders in the west of Hamein complain to Mayor Vlad that groups of goblins have been raiding their farms and one family have been driven off their lands. Vlad is not that bothered about these non-tax paying settlers and sends a token force of 10 men to try make it look like he cares, but not to do much. However, the men he sends are ambushed by goblins and slaughtered to a man.

Later when 40 goblins migrate into Hamein from Lyssan, Vlad decides to deal with them personally and meets them with 20 militia. These though, are refugees with women and child, in a poor state and not really a threat to anyone. Vlad meets with their leader, a goblin called Vrak, who tells him they are just looking for food and shelter. Vlad says if they can help protect his farmsteaders from the goblins in the hills, he can help them. Vrak agrees to this and Vlad allows them to settle near Hamein and give them food for the time being.


Lunadar is not really affected that much, except for reports of a few goblins around the mountains, where few people live. Lukas arranges for a gang to go up to clear the mountain pass to Lyssan.


Like Luandar, Salviene is not particularly affected as most of the area around the mountains is uninhabited.


Charrek discovers that Rourke has sustained a significant amount of damage during the earthquake and there are a significant number of goblins raiding settlements. The Mining Guild holds a meeting in which they want to know what the mayor is doing about both problems. Charrek does not have much spare money as he is in the middle of re-paying the money owed to the Council. He offers 300gp from his personal wealth to help with the repairs, which the Guild members accept.

He then says that he will consider what to do about the goblins. He consults his Brother Dwarves, pointing out as double rejects from dwarven society, perhaps they should re-evaluate their natural hatred of goblins. His Brothers agree, it is likely that goblins have for too long lived similar lives to slaves.

Charrek sends one of his Brothers to negotiate with the goblins. He returns to say that they are amenable to the idea of finding work in the mines, perhaps they could form their own gang. He also mentions that they have left the mountains because of the damage from the earthquake, but also their wise men said that the quakes were caused by dark magic.


Barniere is not by the mountains, but when the goblin refugees from Lyssan arrive in his province, Mayor Hakim welcomes them and offers to help them.


Goblins are reported to have left the hills in central Mhowe and started harassing the surrounding areas. No word comes during May though about how Mhowe or Tulear have dealt with this problem.

Pirate Investigations

Vlad sends three men to go to Salviene, Tulear and Mhowe, find work on the docks and report any information they get or things they witness that may indicate pirate activity.

Lukas also tries to be friendly with Denerick while they travel home, hoping to get more information out of him. This backfires when Denerick thinks Lukas is coming onto him and stops wanting to talk to him.

824IC Summer Domain Turn

Game Session 02/06/2020 ....

The Council of Leaders

Yuri begins the meeting by considering what needs to be discussed and Aiden Shalon raises the issue of tax income and that there is a need to raise funds as the state remains low on funds. The contributions each member is making needs reviewing. Yuri says that would be a nightmare and is best not done right now.

The Anuireans

Yuri asks about the Anuirean murderers and if there has been any news of them, but it seems there is none at all. Mara suggests that spies are sent to the area and across the border to try to find out more about them. Yuri then says Mara should take responsibility for making that happen.

Yuri then mentions that the Coeranys ambassador would like to speak to the Council again this month. He has not said why, he insists on speaking to the whole Council. Yuri does not like him, finding him too formal and annoying.

The Council then discusses the pirate situation and how it can be dealt with. Mara suggests a bait ship and try to set a trap for the pirates. Hari suggests this is fantasy it just will not work and the chances are mentioning such a plan in public means the pirates almost certainly will find out about it. Vlad agrees.

What about the Navy?

Charrek asks if there is a navy and Yuri laughs at the idea. Aiden says they cannot afford a navy and Denerick says ships are expensive. He should know, he owns three. They cost a lot to run and while they can sometimes bring in a valuable cargo, they can be a drain on resources between those times.

Aiden mentions that the Chosen of Nesirie run the Ship-Building Guild in Tulear and could build a ship cheaply for the Council, although they currently have a large ship under construction that will not be finished for four months. It will likely be a year before a new ship can be constructed. He cannot offer it for free though and it will need equipping, crewing and incur running costs that the Council cannot really afford right now.

Charrek asks about the Coeranian Navy and Denerick says as their capital is a port up the river, all their ships are small, river based ships and not designed for the high seas. He suggests the Coeranians invite pirate attacks by maintaining shipping without having the proper means to protect their ships.


Yuri suggests there is not much we can offer the Coeranians then, but he asks that members actively try not to upset him, with a glance at Charrek. He has one of his aids bring Ambassador Maggio Glain to address them.

Glain enters and seems to be in a more conciliatory mood, offering his apologies for being so forthright at the previous meeting, just as they had been struck so badly by an earthquake. He hopes that they recover from this calamity soon.

Yuri asks him straight what he expects for them to do about pirates when they have no army and no navy. Glain says all he wants from the Council is a commitment that they will take the concerns his has raised seriously and use their influence to try to stop the pirate attacks. Members of the Council Pledge that they will do so. Ambassador Glain is satisfied, thanks them and then leaves.

Pirate Investigation

Yuri expresses his confusion at the shifting attitude of the Ambassador. He seemed to have a completely different attitude this time. Mara Mantel suggests that she an investigation into the pirates is needed and Yuri says she needs to lead that investigation.

Mara points out that she will need co-operation from everyone including Denerick Stormsinger, which he pledges unreservedly. She needs more information about the attacking ships and she will liaise with the Ambassador.

It will also require some expenditure on her behalf and Yuri reluctantly agrees to cover up to 200gp worth of expenses from the state Treasury, ignoring a concerned look from Aiden.

Raising an Army

Yuri then says it is about time that there was a standing army to tackle problems like the Anuireans, pirates and help out when there are natural disasters. They are more effective that using local militia. It will cost money to recruit new soldiers, build barracks and train them up, but it will be worth it. They can be stationed in Lyssan to go where they are needed.

Mara suggests a scheme to have each Leader send some existing militia but Yuri does not fully understand her proposal and says he wants these to be new soldiers not militia.

The rest of the Council then begin to raise concerns about the scheme. Charrek points out frankly that these troops will be raised by Yuri from citizens in the capital, stationed in the capital and under his command. He could use them to take over.

Yuri denies that is what he wants to do and suggests that an outside commander could be found, such as one of the captains of the Red Eagles. That person would only be loyal to coin.

Yuri points out that no one on the Council is a great military leader. Denerick says he could lead a navy but not an army. Aidan says members of the Church of Nesirie are known for their integrity. That is why he was chosen as Treasurer. He is sure someone from his Church could be trusted to lead the army without bias. Yuri rolls his eyes at that.

Mara’s Militia Plan

They turn to how to raise these troops and Mara again mentions her plan for each Leader to send 20 of their militia to the capital to become members of the army. That way the army will not be loyal to any one region. Each member could then be compensated to recruit new militia in their areas. Yuri thinks that is a good idea and the scheme is accepted by the Council.

Aidan again raises the costs involved. Yuri suggests that, instead of paying each member 200gp to replace their militia men, they could pay 200gp less from this quarter’s payment to the Council.


Aidan says that will not help the state of the national finances. Getting less income this quarter will affect his ability to pay bills every month. He then lectures them on the finer details of managing the cash flow of the Treasury, despite members saying they understand.

He points out there are times when he has to pay bills before the tax revenue comes in and he struggles at times. He then mentions the 5,000gp that Charrek brought has not yet reached the Treasury, which Charrek is shocked about. Yuri says he is keeping the money safe in the capital, to prevent it being stolen or ran off with. He can give 2,000gp to Aidan if it will ease his cash flow problems and the Treasurer agrees.

The Earthquake

The discussion then turns to the earthquake as Yuri proposes that 1,000gp of the 5,000gp he has should go to Lyssan to help rebuild after the earthquake and 500gp go to Rourke. The rest can be used to fund the creation of the army.

Charrek wonders if the Coeranians are behind the earthquake, but few others think that is the case. It would take a wizard to do something like that. Could it be the Three Brother Mages?

Mara then pipes up that she has been approached by a group of Dwarves from Burak-Azhik, the Dwarven kingdom that borders the Chimaeron in the north. They want to talk to the Council about the earthquake and are in Lyssan if they want to talk to them now. She does not know exactly what they want to say but she thinks one of them may be a member of the royal family.

Dwarven Embassy

Yuri wonders why they approached her instead of Charrek but does not press the point and suggests that the Council take a break for lunch and then meet with these Dwarves after lunch.

When they return, two Dwarves enter the Council Chamber. One of them looks like some sort of priest, the other a warrior. The warrior introduces himself as Dueran. He is quite formal and first of all asks for more information about the earthquake.

Burak-Azhik was badly affected by the earthquake as their underground city is in the mountains. The Dwarves believe that the earthquake only affected the mountains, which seems to be confirmed from members of the Council, as the towns away from the mountains were largely unaffected.

Dueran then says the Dwarves believe that a dark force was behind the earthquake. Orogs who dwell underground have long been a problem to their kingdom. Recently the orogs have begun to show signs of increasing intelligence and strategy behind their attacks and it is feared that they are being led by some other force, the identity of which is unknown.

When he mentions how dangerous orogs are, Mara points out that she has been able to make an arrangement with the group who came down out of the mountains following the earthquake. Dueran says may be orogs who live above ground are less aggressive, but he counsels against her trusting them.

An Audience with the Chimaera

Dueran then says this is the realm of wizards and there are no wizards in Burak-Azhik. He wants to make contact with a powerful wizard to discover that is really going on here and draw up a plan of action. One of the most powerful wizards in this area is their mistress, the Chimaera. He would like them to arrange for him to speak to her.

Yuri and most other Council Members laugh at this, which Dueran is not pleased about. “Did I say something funny?” Yuri explains that the Chimaera does not receive guests. She gives commands to the Council but they have no way to communicate with her. Visitors usually end up dead.

What about the Three Brother Mages

Dueran is taken back by this and asks if there are any other wizards in the area. The Three Brother Mages are mentioned, which he is aware of but again does not know how to contact them. Does any of the Council know?

Yuri explains as tactfully as he can that the Three Brother Mages are in competition with their mistress the Chimaera and are effectively enemies of the state. Even if anyone at the Council did know how to contact them, announcing such in public would reveal them as traitors.

Dueran suggests that this is important and he needs information. He will hire a house in Lyssan and if anyone wants to come to visit him quietly he would appreciate it and rewards them. He then leaves.

Final Considerations

Yuri suggests that is enough for today. He reminds every one of their commitments, including Mara dealing with the pirate investigation, liaising with the Coeranian ambassador and arranging a spy mission to find out about the Anuireans.

Everyone also needs to send 20 militia for the army, except Lyssan and Cariene which will send 30. He asks that Leaders not send him their most useless troops.

Game Session 10/06/2020 ....

The Council of Leaders

Charrek has not attended the meeting and nobody knows why, but Yuri starts the meeting anyway.

Mara has sent her people out to find the Anuireans and the pirates but they have not reported back yet. She has not yet spoken to the Coeranian Ambassador as there is nothing yet to report about the pirates.

No Militia from Salviene

Yuri then raises the army he is raising. Every other Leader has sent him the militia he needs except Hari Bourne in Salviene. Hari says he has been busy but when Mara, Yuri and Vlad begin to criticise him, he reveals he is concerned that the army will be used by Yuri to take over.

Yuri denies this, saying their purpose is to be able to respond to emergencies, defend us and stop dwarves, goblins or Mages pushing them around. He agrees that the army will not go anywhere without a vote of the Council, although Vlad says they should still be allowed to act in an emergency.

Yielding to pressure, Hari agrees to send his quota of men.

Dwarves and Mages

Yuri is disappointed that some members of the Council have been seen talking to the Dwarves who came last month. He is concerned that the Dwarves are making a deal with the Three Brother Mages and no-one on the Council has any idea what that deal is about. His people cannot speak Dwarven so spying on them is not effective.

Vlad suggests dealing with the Mages or at least finding out where they are and Mara agrees. Yuri is more concerned about stopping the Dwarves making a deal.

Vlad suggests having Hari escort the Dwarves to a meeting with the Chimaera, but Hari tells him to fuck right off.

Yuri says if anyone is found helping with these Dwarves make deals with the Three Brother Mages - that would be treason. The punishment for which is to be sent to the Chimaera to be eaten.

Yuri suggests ordering them to go home. Lukas and Mara points out they believe they are important people from the Dwarven Kingdom and they have done nothing wrong.

Finding the Three Brother Mages

Lukas suggests that the location of the Three Brother Mages should be determined. Yuri points out there are already two investigations going on and while he has some hints and clues, he knows the mages are not in his area.

Mara asks what Denerick is doing about the mages operating in his area. Vlad then says if he is such a good captain, he would not allow pirates to operate in his area. Denerick defends himself saying the pirates do not bother him and his ships are away for months on trade missions, he is not in a position to police the seas.

Denerick says he does not know who the pirates are. Vlad suggests a captain of his prestige should be able to spot a pirate a mile away. Denerick laughs and points out that they do not fly skull and crossed-bones flags!

How did we get onto pirates anyway, asks Denerick. We were talking about the mages. What is the plan for finding them? Yuri says Lukas, Hari, Denerick, Aidan and Vlad must make a concerted effort to find the mages in their provinces. Do not wait for the next meeting, send information to him as soon as they find anything and he will co-ordinate and communicate as needed.

Mage in Mhowe

Yuri then rounds on Denerick and tells him he has heard one of the Brother Mages actually lives in his town. Why doesn’t he stop pissing about on his ships for five minutes and help the Council find these mages?

Denerick is offended by this and pledges to have his people look for this mage. He was unaware of that fact, which Yuri scoffs at. He has been mayor for ten years and never heard that a mages and pirates are operating in his town? He needs to start doing more to help the Council.

Denerick Not Co-operating

Mara, Vlad and Lukas join in criticising how in-effective Denerick is, who then says he has had enough of being insulted. He looks angry and flustered, standing up and saying if they want him to stay they have to show him more respect.

Yuri tells him if he does not want to be part of the Council, there will be consequences. If you are not with the Council, you are against us. Denerick says he is not against the Council he just against being treated so unfairly.

Mara brings up Broken Hill and says what about asking them for help finding the Three Brother Mages. Yuri suggests Vlad goes to talk to them and may be if they did join the Council, they will be more co-operative than existing members.

Denerick asks if he is trying to drive him off the Council and Yuri says he is driving himself off. He needs to pull his weight and find these mages. Denerick pledges to look for them.

Vlad tells him to have a clerk check the property records, but Denerick points out he does not even know their names. He says he will search every single house if needed. Yuri tells him we want action here, not words.

Yuri then reminds the other members they need to look into the Brother Mages as well. Be subtle though, we do not want to alert them that we are onto them.


Yuri then calls a break as people were getting angry and he talks to Denerick to try to calm him down.

Yuri then says he wants to talk about goblins and that he does not like the idea of them settling on human lands, especially in Barniere. Hakim el-Qadr asks since when has there been a problem on this Council about goblins. It was Yuri drove the goblins out of Lyssan into Barniere.

Yuri says that the neighbours in Rohrmarch are upset that goblins are being allowed to live on human lands. The Council of Leaders was formed to unite the human settlements and drive the goblins into the mountains.

Hakim says if the goblins cross him, they will pay, but they have done everything he asked them to do. The farming land they took over was flooded and they have re-claimed it.

Damaging Our Reputation

Yuri says they are scum and it damages the country’s reputation to allow them to settle. Hakim asks if he wants him to drive the 300 goblins out into Rohrmarch or just murder them? It was Yuri who caused this by driving the goblins out of Lyssan and now he does not like how the problem has been resolved in Barniere.

Mara suggests driving them back into the mountains, but Yuri says once they are in the mountains, we will never find them and they will continue to cause problems.

Vlad suggests that Denerick could do something useful and use his ships to move the goblins. Denerick, already feeling victimised, tells them to deal with the problem themselves. Vlad points out once again he is no use when the Council needs him.

Hakim then says nobody takes his goblins without his permission. He has given them his word and they are under his protection. He has honour and he will not go back on his word.

Goblins can be Slaves

Mara says she heard goblins are being used as slaves. Yuri says he is happy for them to be slaves, but they cannot become land owners or get jobs and be paid.

Yuri says he wants to bring in a law preventing goblins from owning property or having jobs in the Chimaera. Hakim says he can do that in his province, but Yuri wants the Council to pass a law that applies across the whole country. Goblins having free reign is damaging trade with Rohrmarch.

Vlad has a private word with Yuri, suggesting everyone else can make this law in their provinces and drive all the goblins into Barniere, causing the goblins there to become a problem.

Yuri says that is not enough, Rohrmarch does not like this. It needs to be a national law. Hakim can keep his goblins but they will need to be slaves not free. Will that satisfy his honour?

You don’t give Rights to your Horses

Hakim asks if this is the will of the whole Council. He challenges Aidan who, as a man of God, should disagree with slaves. Aidan says he does not agree with goblins in the country either. Slavery would be a kindness, it gives them a chance to work and live. Hakim is dismissive of his double standards.

Mara and Vlad speak in support of the law. Lukas points out goblins are not people - you don’t rights to your horses, why give rights to your goblins?

Hakim points out dwarves are not human either. “Shorty” is not here tonight, maybe we should make him a slave too? No? Maybe because dwarves would rise up and kill humans if we tried.

When still no one backs him, Hakim says fine, fine pass your law. The goblins are his slaves, he will treat them however he likes. Yuri welcomes the unanimous agreement of the Council and the law is passed.

Yuri then reminds Hari to send him the men he needs and everyone else to look out for the Brother Mages, then brings the meeting to a close.

Game Session 17/06/2020 ....

Plague in Lyssan

Rumours have been spreading that there is a plague outbreak in Lyssan. The Leaders approach carefully and discover the City is under strict militia control, with the North-Side quarter where the main plague outbreak is being locked down.

Members of the Council are escorted to Tower-Side quarter, which is off-limits except to the privileged few, where they assemble nervously for the meeting to start.

The Council of Leaders

The meeting starts late as they are waiting for members to arrive and make it through the city. By midday, Denerick has still not arrived, but Yuri calls the meeting to order anyway.

Yuri apologies for the plague, he suspects it was caused by the earthquake. He suggests meeting in Careine next month if the problem is still bad, which Mara welcomes.

Search for the Anuireans

Yuri says there is nothing new, just updates on existing issues. He asks Mara for an update on the Anuireans. Mara says they definitely went into the marshes near Luandar and were attacked by lizard men then crossed the river into Coeranys. Her agents are investigating in Coeranys but have no leads yet.

Lukas scoffs that he was hoping for more information than what they already knew. Yuri says he is disappointed and Mara says someone else can take over if they want, but Yuri says no she took responsibility. She says when she knows more she will let them know.

Search for the Pirates

Mara says her agents found no evidence of pirates in Luandar, Salviene and Tulear, but those in Mhowe and Hamein have not reported back yet.

Yuri then asks if anyone on the Council does not think that Denerick is behind the pirates. Charrek says it’s likely he either leads the pirates or they pay him to ignore them. Lukas says they are paying him a lot, have you seen the shoes he wears?

Vlad tells them he sent an agent to Mhowe, but he was shunned and driven out after trying to find out about pirates.

Vlad has heard rumours of ferries disappearing, allegedly due to krakens. More likely its pirates. Yuri wonders if Denerick has less money than his expensive shoes suggest.

What to do About Denerick

Vlad says Denerick is the most likely culprit. Yuri has always assumed Denerick did a little piracy on the side to top up his income, but recently he’s started getting greedy and annoying the neighbours. It’s time to put him in his place.

Vlad asks what we are going to do about him. Yuri suggests waiting for Mara’s investigation to report back next month. He’s too far south to just try to arrest him. He will likely escape in one of his boats and become a full time pirate.

Aidan Shalon expresses concerns about condemning a man who is not here to defect himself. Yuri says he knows Aidan is friends with Denerick, which Aidan denies. He has no idea why Denerick is not here, except perhaps the plague put him off.

Information on the Dwarves and Mages

Charrek says he had a word with Duaren the leader of the dwarves from Burak-Azhik. They have met with the representative of the Mages in Lyssan and spoke to their leader via some magical means. They plan to meet the leader of the Mages at a secret location in the south soon.

Charrek confirms to them that he is a Prince of Burak-Azhik, third son of the King and has been sent on this mission by his father. You don’t sent Princes on diplomatic missions.

Charrek then asks about records of meeting the Chimaera. He is considering whether to go to speak to her. Vlad suggests he takes many dwarves with him, so by the time she has eaten half of them, she will be full and may want to speak. Charrek says he will use humans not dwarves.

I Will Not be a Slaver

Lukas suggests he uses goblins and Charrek then turns to the issue of the law making goblins into slaves. He reveals that he comes originally from Mur-Kilad, not Burak-Azhik as is widely assumed, and that he was a slave there.

He will not support any government that condones slavery. Indentured Servitude to pay off debts is acceptable, but not slavery. If they want his help to find out what Duaren is up to, he wants the law about goblin slaves changed.

Dwarven Intentions

Mara mentions rumours that the Dwarves have been seen marching in big numbers in the north. It is possible they intend to invade and deal with the Brother Mages themselves.

Yuri points out they do not have the forces to repel a well-armed dwarven army. Charrek tells them that the dwarven city has been crippled by the earthquake recently and they are not going to be friendly with mages who caused the earthquake.

Vlad reminds them Duaren did not tell them why he wanted to talk to mages. Charrek says Duaren is not his friend. After he escaped from Mur-Kilad he tried to help his brother dwarves who are enslaved there. He believes that the Prince blocked his efforts.

Mage Contact in Lyssan

Charrek has the name of the contact for the Three Brother Mages in Lyssan, a Khinasi called Suleiman. Yuri knows him and will have him arrested and interrogated. Charrek and Mara recommend a more subtle approach of watching him. Yuri accepts this for now.

Goblin Infestation in Hamein

Vlad then mentions that he has a lead on the location of one of the mages in Hamein, somewhere in the foothills below the Iron Peaks. However, his investigations are being hampered by a large infestation of goblins in the area, who came out of the mountains after the earthquake.

Yuri says this is serious. When the army is ready, that needs to be its first target, but it is not ready.

Charrek suggests that this new law has driven the goblins into the arms of the mages by threatening to enslave them. Mara still says she does not trust making deals with goblins, but Hakim says they have not caused him problems in Barniere.

Negotiation with Goblins

Vlad says no one has told the goblins in his area they are now slaves. They have taken over land themselves and fortified it. Charrek points out their room to negotiate has been cut by this law. Vlad says taking over their own land and fortifying it is just not acceptable.

Yuri suggests that the new law is suspended and then approach the goblins telling them either they do what they are told or they will be enslaved under the new law.

Mara says goblins cannot be treated like normal people. They cannot be trusted, drive them into the mountains. Yuri says that is not a good idea, for years goblin raids from the mountains have been a problem, we do not want to go back to that.

What are the Wizards trying to Achieve?

Charrek questions what the Mages want here. They want to get rid of the Chimaera to become stronger. How would causing an earthquake help them? Vlad wonders if they have opened something under the ground. Charrek says may be that is why the dwarves in the north are involved, because they are aware of things happening underground.

Yuri says Charrek needs to keep talking to Duaren to find out more. He will watch Suleiman in the meantime.

Send the Army In

Vlad says there are hundreds of goblins in his province and they will need to be dealt with as soon as possible. Mara proposes having the army attack them now, but Yuri points out that militia are not trained to fight together yet.

Vlad mentions that the goblins claim to be protected by magic and Charrek says that could be costly if a battle happens.

Vlad and Mara suggest send the army to Hamein now as a show of force, but don’t provoke a battle yet, while they train up.

Charrek asks about a commander for the army. Yuri says he was going to get a leader from the Red Eagles, which Charrek says is now urgent.

Yuri will get an up and coming officer in the Red Eagles and offer him the chance to become a commander. Once in place, he will send the army into Hamein and co-ordinate with Vlad.

Quarterly Finances

Aidan then interjects to talk about the finances. He reminds people that under the militia mustering arrangement, each member pays 200gp less this quarter, the remainder of which is due this month. He points out income will be down this quarter therefore and waffles on about the finances for a while.

Yuri then reminds people to keep their eyes open, especially Lukas in Luandar. If he finds any information about the Anuireans make sure Mara is informed.

Yuri also tells Mara to focus her investigations in Mhowe and try to be subtle. Any damning evidence against Denerick would be useful.

Law Suspended

At Yuri’s suggestion, the Council agrees to suspend the law about goblins until the problem in Hamein is dealt with.

Yuri thanks Hari for providing the men he was supposed to. Hari hopes he will not regret it. Yuri says the only thing he will regret is not doing what the Council orders.

Mara asks if it is possible to cross the Iron Peaks and get to the goblins from behind, but Yuri reminds her the mountains are notoriously impassable except at certain points.

Cavalry and the Civil War

The goblins will have their backs to the mountains. Yuri says some cavalry would be very useful against goblins, but we do not have any.

The Council discusses the possibilities of getting some. Mara wonders about getting land owners to provide horses, but Yuri says people do not like losing their horses. If she can raise some cavalry from Careine, the Council would be very grateful.

Vlad suggests arranging to sell some horses from Coeranys to the two sides of the Rohrmarch civil war and they could import some for a small profit. Yuri suggests working with Mara to make this happen. Charrek says there is an opportunity to make money out of this civil war.

Charrek suggests using Friedburg as their intermediary in trade and Yuri says he is already doing that with the arms he is selling them.

There is further discussion about the possibilities of trade through Barniere until Yuri suggests individual members sort out the details between themselves.

The meeting is then called to an end. Members decide, given the problems with plague, to depart Lyssan quickly.

824IC Autumn Domain Turn

Game Session 23/06/2020 ....


The plague is worse in Lyssan and Yuri Kavlor writes to all members advising the meeting will have to be held in Careine.

The Council of Leaders

The Leaders arrive in Careine and Mara has set up a meeting room in the Guild Hall of the Careine Merchants Guild. She is accompanied by two Orog guards. She welcomes the Leaders and they are escorted to the meeting room.

Tax Problems

The meeting starts late as they are waiting for members to arrive and make it through the city. By midday, Denerick has still not arrived, but Yuri calls the meeting to order anyway.

Aidan sets up a separate table to collect their summer tax contribution to the State Treasury from each member as they arrive. Both Yuri and Vlad say due to the plague they are unable to pay anything that quarter.

Charrek cheers him up by pointing out he will be in a position to pay the remaining 5,000gp he owes at the end of November. That will sort out the finances.

Yuri starts the meeting with Denerick not there, but as he does the sea captain arrives. Aidan asks for his tax money, but he forgot to do so.

Army and Plague

Yuri announces that he has appointed Bram Van De Berg as the new commander of the army, the best officer he was able to persuade to leave the Red Eagles. Bram has relocated the army from Lyssan to Hamein as planned, but discovered that the troops have the plague and it has spread to Hamein. Any plans to confront the goblins are in ruins at the moment.

Vlad then outlines how he has spent a lot of his personal money to bring in doctors and medics from Rohrmarch, who have been helping victims to recover in Hamein. They believe the disease is Typhiod, caused by poor sanitation. The army has left the town of Hamein for the countryside, where the isolation may help contain the outbreak. A number of knights and healers from Broken Hill also came to help Hamein.

Vlad will have the doctors he has employed draw up a report to help other areas cope with the plague. Yuri also recommends that each leader bar citizens from the infected areas entering their towns until the plague dies down.

The Anuireans and the Brother Mages

Mara reports that her spies have determined that when the Anuireans crossed over into Coeranys, they visited a tower belonging to one of the Three Brother Mages located in the swamps and guarded by lizard men. One of her spies found the place, but was attacked and later died from poison on the weapons of the lizard men. It is possible that the Anuireans then crossed back into the Chimaeron, current location unknown. It is becoming dangerous and costly for her spies to remain there though.

Lukas points out there are reports of large number of lizard men near Luandar. Vlad asks if the swamp could be drained or damned, but it could require a lot of engineering along the river Qatil.

Vlad suggests the lizard men could be under the control of the Mage, like the goblins and wonders if the third mage is controlling the pirates. Mhowe is where they think the third mage is and there are pirates there.

He wonders is there is some sort of magical power triangle that they are forming. Yuri says probably but who understands much about magic anyway? If one of the mages can be rooted out of their power base, their whole operation may collapse.

Wizard in Mhowe

Denerick says it will not be easy to find the wizard in Mhowe, they are hidden and clever. Charrek, Mara and Vlad round on him, asking if he is bothered that they could take over the country. Denerick says he thought they were after magic power not political power.

Mara says their power is causing problems like earthquakes, but Denerick says he thought that was not them. This prompts some members to ask he if knows more than he is saying. Denerick seems a little subdued, not his normal flamboyant self. He says he is tired.

Pirates in Mhowe

Mara then reports that her spies came back from Hamein hearing tales of Krakens, but that is probably a cover for pirate activity. Her spies in Mhowe had heard that Denerick was actually the leader of the pirates.

Denerick does not respond to this until pressed. He seems confused about why they are talking about pirates and then denies he is involved with them.

Vlad suggests that the pirates are controlled by the Brother Mages and that Denerick could be in their pocket. Mara says he has done little to help the Council recently. Denerick pledges to do more and he says he will find the pirates, but his distant response causes Council members to note he is acting strange.

Denerick Not Himself

Charrek suggests he is in the pay of the wizards. Denerick says he does not need money from wizards, but Mara asks who on the Council would say they have too much money. Members continue to question Denerick and his weak responses make them wonder if he is ill.

Mara suggests calling a doctor to examine him but Denerick tells them to leave him alone and carry on with the meeting. Harry then taps him, about to say something, but Denerick reacts violently, backing into a corner of the room and telling Hari not to touch him.

What happened to Denerick?

Mara summons her guards and they go to arrest Denerick, but he suddenly shimmers and changes shape into a bald-headed being in robes and flies out of the window. Hakim shouts up that it was a Djinn, from the legends from his childhood.

Yuri is shocked and demands to know what just happened. They arrange for Vlad to touch each of the other members to make they are real, which they seem to be.

They wonder what has happened to Denerick. Yuri points out he was told Denerick was away on a voyage and would not be back for two months. He could be a prisoner of the Mages.

Charrek suggests someone is appointed to take control in Mhowe. Yuri has the Council resolve to appoint Aidan as acting mayor of Mhowe as he is nearby, with a mandate to take control in the city and find out what is going on. Vlad suggests he could employ the Red Eagles to help take Mhowe, which is agreed.

Adjournment to the Pub

Yuri then calls for a break. He needs a drink. Mara says the Lusty Leopard is a good inn and the Council leave the build and head there. Aidan points out he does not partake of alcohol.

The members engage in a bit of banter while they are there. Hakim mentions that he heard there had been a slaughter of goblins recently in Tulear and wonders how a religious man like tolerates that. Aidan says he knows nothing about it. Yuri says the only good goblin is a dead goblin.

The Chimaera Comes

Hari and Vlad are exchanging barbs when there is a commotion outside. They go outside and people are pointing at a creature flying around the Guild Hall. It is the Chimaera.

They head for the Guild Hall. Vlad wonders if it is the Chimaera or another Djinn. They go up to the roof of the Hall, where the Chimaera has landed and is demanding to speak to the Council of Leaders.

Charrek notes the voice seems rather deep for a woman. Yuri is not sure, he knows she has the appearance of a monster and has had a woman speak for her in the past.

The Chimarea tells them that they must not interfere in the magic of the realm. She will deal with the Three Brother Mages, she knows what to do about them. She does not need their help and they should not interfere in her affairs.

When they ask further questions, he becomes angry and tells them not to be insolent. When Charrek questions why her voice is so male, she changes her voice to female and says she can have any voice she wants.

Do as I Say

She is aware that the Brother Mages had tried to impersonate Denerick and decided it was time she intervened. The Mages are too powerful for them, they should leave them to her.

Mara asks about the goblins, lizards and pirates that they command. She says she will deal with them too.

Charrek says his sister is a seer and she thought that the Chimaera wanted them to deal with the Mages. Vlad points out the Brother Mages would not want them to interfere either.

The Chimaera tells them to worry about their petty affairs and she will deal with the magical issues and resolve the goblins.

She demands their agreement for non-interference and they do so. She warns that she will kill anyone who crosses her and then flies off.

That was not the Chimaera

Charrek points out that while she had the lions head and wings, she lacked the two human arms that images in his home town depict and he has seen her flying over Rourke. That was an imposter working for the Mages.

Yuri says their agent Suleiman had fled Lyssan when tried to investigate him. Lukas suggests that the Mages must be getting worried about their plans.

Charrek says his sister can see things and she saw that the Mages were the enemies of the Chimaera and were not behind the earthquake. Yuri points out that is what the Dwarves said and asks if Charrek managed to see them again, but he was too late they had left the capital by the time he approached them.

What Can We Do Now?

Lukas laments their current weak position with lizard men, goblins, pirates and plague. Yuri says we will get through this bad time and turn the tables on these Mages. They need to put all their resources into raising an army and getting back control of the country. Aidan suggests raising taxes.

There is a wide-ranging discussion about how to improve the country in the future and possibly start a foreign legion. In the end, they resolve mustering soldiers from beggars in Luandar to fight the lizard men, which Hari Bourne will assist Lukas with. Mara can start mustering some Cavalry in Careine with the money she has, though it is an expensive affair.

Hakim offers to train his goblins in Barniere to fight the goblins in Hamein and offer them freedom to stay in return. Vlad is sceptical but Hakim suggests he is blinded by their race.

The Armourers Guild in Lyssan has been struck by plague and Charrek says an Armourers business is starting up in Rourke and can take orders.

A Plan to Save the Country

Mara asks what about Denerick. Aidan says he thought it had been agreed he was going to take over in Mhowe, hiring the Red Eagles plus some of the faithful of Nesirie will march on the city and take over. Yuri confirms that is the plan.

Mara questions if they can overcome Mhowe and the goblins and the lizard men and the plague. Yuri says one at a time. Take Mhowe then march north to deal with the goblins. Then the cavalry from Careine and troops from Luandar can attack the lizard men. Mara says she will recall her spies and concentrate on cavalry.

Hakim repeats his offer to arm the goblins to join the army, so long as they will not be made slaves after. Charrek supports him and despite Yuri’s dislike of goblins this is agreed.

Involving Broken Hill

Mara asks about Broken Hill. Vlad says he has not been able to contact them due to the plague, but they have sent help to his province. They have knights and may be able to offer help, but they are followers of Haelyn. Hari and Aidan say they are dangerous religious zealots who are not to be trusted.

Vlad suggests they could then have Broken Hill take over Mhowe and join the Council that way, without adding a new member. Aidan is annoyed at that because he thought he was going to be in charge in Mhowe, but Vlad and Mara say that is only temporary.

Aidan says his people will not fight if they are going to be betrayed. Yuri tells him not to be a pain in the arse and just do it. They can work something out that will please everyone.

Yuri makes sure everyone is doing something to help with the current crisis and then brings the meeting to a close.

Training Grounds for Troops

Vlad proposes starting a proper training ground for troops south of Lyssan in Hamein and asks others to help contribute towards the costs of setting it up.

Game Session 01/07/2020 ....

The Council Assembles

Lyssan is the venue for the Council this month as the plague has much improved. Vlad brings with him 20 of his militia from Hamein and another 10 soldiers from the army unit stationed in his province. He leaves the outside the Tower of Watch.

Aidan Dressed Oddly

Aidan Shalon also arrives with 10 of his own acolytes. He is dressed up in a slightly bizarre religious outfit and he carries with him some sort of important looking trident. His appearance draws ridicule from Yuri as the Council members arrive. He says he is now a profit of Nesirie and the Trident is a holy relic that he has been tasked to protect and must dress according to his rank.

The Council of Leaders

Denerick is not present but Yuri starts the meeting anyway. He asks Aidan what happened about his march on Mhowe. Aidan tells the Council he could not carry out their instructions.

Aidan Refused his Orders

Members round on Aidan for his failure. Charrek suggests he give up his seat to someone who will follow the orders of the Council, but he refuses. Denerick Stormsinger is Chosen of Nesirie and has found the Trident of Nesirie, a holy relic proving his faith, which has been passed to him to be guardian.

Charrek says he has been bribed by Denerick and wonders if the Trident was spirited up by a Djinn like at the last meeting, but Aidan says he has tested his power. Aidan says Denerick and his fleet sailed to Tulear. Mara mocks Denerick’s three ships as the second smallest fleet you can have.

Who’s Got Cavalry?

Charrek changes the subject and asks who has cavalry in the country. Prince Oden of Rohrmarch visited him saying some cavalry intervened in a battle and helped him win. These riders then returned to the Chimaera in Barniere. Hakim says there are bandits on horses in his province but not cavalry.

Yuri asks about Mara’s cavalry muster and Mara says they are likely to be ready next month, it has cost her a lot of money. She then asks to go back to the issue of Denerick.

Lukas says Denerick did not come because Yuri would arrest him. Charrek wonders if he has been working against them from the beginning.

Denerick for Leader

Hari says Denerick’s fleet landed at Salviene and he has hundreds of men on his ships. He wants the Council to vote him Leader, which draws a lot of scorn. Aidan supports the proposal.

Mara says this is a democracy and Hari laughs at that, pointing out she rose to power by murdering her own husband.

Yuri says Denerick is an idiot he will not be leader. Lukas points out all the problems they are facing and that the Chimaera does nothing to help them. May be it is time for a change of leader.

Yuri’s Lies

Hari then says Denerick told him an interesting story that Yuri had made a deal with the Three Brother Mages and agreed to let the Anuireans into the country. Yuri then betrayed the Mages and ordered Mayor Oltslaf Magnusson to kill them. It backfired and Oltslaf was instead killed.

Yuri initially denies this but Hari presses the point and Lukas says that sounds like the truth. Charrek suggests Yuri is better to tell the truth - not telling the truth has only held them back.

Charrek says that the Mages are our enemies. Any scheme of theirs needs to be stopped.

Yuri says leaders have to make tough decisions. Charrek says everyone is a liar here. Mara tells him to speak for himself, but Charrek reminds her of her husband’s death and admits he killed his predecessor.

The Mages or the Chimaera

Mara questions why Denerick has spent the last six months saying he cannot do anything to help when he had hundreds of men at his command. If Denerick has all these men and the backing of the Mages, can take out the Chimaera and sort out all the problems, maybe they should back him.

Charrek says no one around here has the power to take out the Chimaera. She does not intervene and leaves it to the Council. The Mages will want to rule. Lukas says no they are interested in magical power not political power. The Chimaera neglects the country and no one trades with us.

Bringing in Wealth

Lukas points out Denerick is bringing wealth into the nation. Charrek says he has trade too and has raised 5,000gp. Also he has found Hector Vey, the one who stole the 10,000gp. He is in Oden and Charrek intends to get him.

Vlad says the last person he would choose to get us out of the current problems is Denerick. Him and Hari trade insults. Lukas says Denerick is a useful idiot and can be a figurehead while they continue to rule.

Mara asks what will happen about Denerick. The Council does not have an army to stop him. Charrek suggests sailors or pirates would not be any good on land, but Mara does not believe that.

Yuri under Attack

Hakim expresses anger that Yuri has been lying to the Council for the last six months. Yuri tries to defend his actions but members are not impressed and he is criticised from all sides.

Charrek asks why he betrayed the Mages and Yuri says he did not trust them. He made no deal he was just having conversations to see what the Mages were up to.

Mara then says he is basically a lying politician like most of them and his position is fairly clear. What about Denerick?

Denerick is a Puppet

Lukas suggests the Council should embrace Denerick as a way forward. Vlad says the Mages are an unknown. They could kill the Council and take over. Hari says they are not taking over, Denerick is asking to take over.

Charrek says they are safe in Lyssan and Yuri says they can close the gates of the City if necessary.

The Council is Divided

Aidan then says he supports Denerick for Leader. Hari and Lukas supports him.

Hakim says he is not happy about Yuri’s lies and is not inclined to keep him in power. Charrek says Yuri may be a liar but he’s better the devil you know. Vlad agrees with that. The Brother Mage’s goblins are burning settlements in his province.

The vote is tied three for and three against Denerick, with Hakim abstaining. It is down to Mara and she says until the Mages come to them, engage in open dialogue and tell them their plans, she is against.

Hakim then says he is supporting Denerick. The Council is tied four votes for and four votes against.

Arguments Arguments

Members then get into a drawn out argument about what is going on, how to fix the country and whether the Mages or the Chimaera are the best option.

Mara suggests Denerick comes to the Council to say why he should be leader and what the Mages are planning. Then maybe they will back him. Charrek and Vlad support this, but Lukas says Yuri’s thugs would have him arrested.

An argument rages between Hari and Charrek about the dwarf mentioning the 10,000gp again. Charrek is indignant saying his people are toiling to repay someone else’s debt.

Darkest Hour

Yuri says it is the country’s darkest hour and the Council is split down the middle. How can Denerick be leader when he has not even turned up to the Council? Where is he?

Lukas says he knows where he is but he does not want to be arrested. Yuri says he will not arrest him. Lukas points out they cannot trust anything he says.

Mara asks Lukas what the Mages want to do and Lukas says they want to get rid of the Chimaera, not get involved in politics. Vlad suggests they go elsewhere for their magic.

The Chimaera is losing

Arguments continue back and forth between the factions. Yuri again asks where Denerick is and suggests he is in Lukas’s bed, which upsets him.

Lukas says the war between the Mages and the Chimaera is going to happen and it is better to be on the winning side. Her magic power is in decline and the Mages are beating her.

City under Attack

This prompts more argument which goes round and round. A clerk then comes in and has a word with Yuri. He then tells them the militia have just warned him that the City is under attack, men have seized the West Gate.

Yuri laments not closing the Gates when it came up. He suspends the meeting to deal with the situation.

Denerick’s Coup

You Cannot Leave

Vlad moves to leave, followed by Aidan, Hari and Lukas. Hakim says he is not going to run away.

When those leaving reach the doors of the Tower, Yuri’s militia will not let them leave. Vlad asks to allow his men in, but they refuse to open the doors for him.

Hari takes out his knife and the militia draw their swords. Aidan then raises his staff and a bright, magical light comes out, knocking down the militia and bursting the doors open.


Aidan, Hari and Lukas then exit through the doors. Once outside, Aidan calls over his 10 followers to support him.

Vlad does the same with the 30 armed men he brought with him and has them stop Aidan, Hari and Lukas from leaving. He orders them to return to the Council chamber or Aidan’s men will be killed. When they refuse, he starts to count down, on zero his men are to attack.

Vlad’s Throat Cut

Hari then leaps forward and puts a knife to Vlad’s throat, telling him to have his men stand down or he dies. Vlad does not blink and tells his men that if he dies, they are to kill all of them and quarter them.

Hari cuts Vlad’s throat and he collapses onto the floor. Hari then leaps on another guard and kills him, but is wounded in the process.

Vlad’s guards move to attack, but Aidan again raises his staff and the bright light forces them back, knocking many of them down. Aidan’s followers attack those on the floor with their clubs, but Aidan tells them to stop. Aidan, Hari and Lukas then leave.

Charrek, who has been watching events unfold, now steps out to give Vlad immediate aid to stop him bleeding to death.

Lyssan Invaded

Over 200 men are attacking Lyssan and the militia are overwhelmed. The fighting is street to street but slowly Denerick’s pirates are advancing. They advance along the main East-West road and begin to approach the East Gates. Once they have secured them, they will have taken the City.


Charrek, Mara and Yuri decide it is time to leave the City. Charrek takes Vlad with them, he is barely alive. Yuri goes off to secure his family. Mara departs as fast as he can.

Charrek has Vlad’s body loaded on to a wagon and taken to the East Gate. There he encountered a young doctor who has come to Lyssan from Hamein to help with the plague. He takes custody of Vlad and arranges to take him back to Hamein.

Hakim also decides to leave and return to Barniere.

The militia put up a spirited defence around the East Gate and it remains open for a while. Yuri is able to escape with his wife and daughter, but is annoyed as he has not been able to bring everything he wanted.

Lyssan Taken

Eventually, Lyssan’s militia flee through the East Gate and Denerick’s pirates secure the capital. Denerick, Lukas and Aidan walk triumphantly to the Tower of Watch.