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The log of the stories that have been run so far.
Leon, Gert, Johanna and Bart are reunited with Adolphus and continue their quest to stop Devil Cults from taking over the Empire.
The journey from Kemperbad to Aachen takes four days. They ride for many hours each day and stop in local inns, taverns or local houses when they have to. They pass through Essen and Dusseldorf along the way.
One evening, they question Professor Heidelmann further. He tells them he considered himself retired from the cult. Johanna questions whether you can “retire” from being a Devil Worshipper. Heidelmann tells them he got too old to be active and was more of an advisor, not leaving his house and offering advice via letters. The Witch Elektra turned up on his doorstep and forced him to accompany her and help her.
Adolphus points out that the Professor has the ability to summon Kandarian Demons. He is not a minor member of the cult and has a lot of sins to atone for. It will be very difficult to save his soul from being taken by the Devil. Now that he has betrayed the Cult, if he does go the Hell he will suffer worse than most. His only hope is to co-operate fully and Adolphus will do everything he can to redeem him.
They find that locals are much more suspicious of strangers. Some villages refuse to accommodate strangers. They discover the clouds that dropped meteorites spread from Castle Wittgenstein and caused a lot of problems. After a day or so of travelling though, signs of problems from the Castle become less common and then stop.
At one point, they are stopped by a small group lead by a man who announces he is a Witch Hunter and he demands to inspect them to ensure they are not Witches. Adolphus asks to see his Imperial Warrant and it turns out that the man is an imposter. Adolphus threatens to report him and the man and his companions leave quickly.
Johanna says she is all in favour of burning proper Witches, but pointing fingers at anyone without proof is not the way to defeat the Forces of Evil
They finally arrive at Aachen at the East Gate, to find there is a queue to get in. There seems to be a lot of people keen to enter the City and the guards are questioning everyone. When they get to a desk, the guards ask them their business and then ask if they are, or have ever been, followers of the Catholic Church?
Adolphus indignantly tells them no. The guards say under a new law passed recently, any Catholics entering the City must pay a tax and must pay another tax for attending Mass. The rate of one shilling seems rather high.
The guards also mention as the Carnival of Aachen starts tomorrow, there is also a tax of one penny per person to enter the City, which they cannot avoid.
They enter Aachen and find it bustling. They realise that the taverns will be full and rooms at a premium. Adolphus says they definitely need somewhere to stop as they need to question Professor Heidelmann further about infiltrating the cult in Aachen. They stop at an Inn not far from the East Gate to get a drink, but it is standing room only.
They ask the Inn Keeper for a room, but they are fully booked. The Keeper says there is space at the back of the stables, but wants a lot from them to do so.
Bart suggests renting a house in one of the more run down neighbourhoods of the City to save money and stay hidden. If he can’t find one, they can use the stable for tonight. They agree that is a good idea and Bart heads to the Old Town, not far from the Inn, to find a house to rent.
He gets lucky and finds the upstairs of a house that was supposed to be rented, but at the last minute the tenants changed their mind. The landlady is looking for new tenants and Bart snaps up the booking, paying her two weeks rent in advance. The rate is 6s a week.
Bart examines the upstairs. It is a little sparse, but there is enough space for them all.
Bart then turns his attention to trying to contact the local Thieves Guild, asking around people who look like they may know. He identifies someone who it is generally thought of as a local member from different sources, but decides to approach him later.
He then heads back to the Inn.
As they wait in the Inn for Bart to return, Adolphus questions Professor Heidelmann about the location of the Cult in Aachen. Heidelmann tells him he does not know, all he has is an address he writes to when he wants to communicate with the Cult Leader, the Magister Templi. That address is Captain Scharlach, c/o the Cross Keys, Hope Street, Aachen. He suspects the name is just an alias to hide the Magister’s true identity.
Adolphus is a little disappointed to hear this, but it is at least a lead. They make some enquiries and discover it is in East Town, a different rundown neighbourhood in the west of the City. It is apparently named after the East Forest.
Bart returns to the Inn and tells them about the house. He claims back the 12s from Johanna, who is looking after the group finances. They have plenty of money since selling the barge in Munster.
They decide to move into the house immediately. Adolphus is keen to do it quickly, so he can go check out the address the Cult is using. As they do so, they see decorations and barriers for the Carnival being set up in the street.
They get to the house and spend the next couple of hours moving in and setting themselves up. Julia goes with Helmut to buy food and cooking utensils.
Bart persuades Adolphus he is far too conspicuous to go checking out the Cult address, even if he does take his Witch Hunter’s hat off. Adolphus agrees to let Bart check out the address on his own, while he and Gerhart wait nearby. Leon will stay behind and look after the house. Helmut will be responsible for guarding the Professor.
Bart, Adolphus and Gert leave for the Ostwald. They ask around and find Hope Street. Once they do, Adolphus and Gert wait and Bart, in disguise, checks out the house. When he gets there, he finds the address is on a cross roads with another main road.
On one of the corners, there is a locksmith’s shop with the sign of two keys crossed over the door. However, the doors and windows of the house have been boarded up. Signs of the cross are drawn on various boards and someone has written “No Witches” on the outside. There windows of the rooms above the house are boarded up too. The whole building looks abandoned.
Bart finds an alley and goes around the back of the house. He sees the back of the house is boarded up and “Burn Witches” has been written in red paint over the back door. A street urchin and a few locals watch him curiously.
Bart goes back to Adolphus and Gert, telling them the bad news. Adolphus is furious and marches back to the rented house in Old Town and confronts Professor Heidelmann, accusing him of lying. The Professor denies this and says that is the address he always used.
He wonders if the place still receives mail. He has not written to the address for a number of months, as he was dragged from his house by the Witch Elektra, to help her against them. He also claims his involvement in the cult was winding down and he was mainly asked for advice on magical matters. Adolphus decides to handcuff him to a chair, despite his objections that he has signed a legal pledge to co-operate and renounce the Cult.
Bart suggests going back to the Cross Keys building and asking when they closed down. Adolphus suggests he would be better, as he will be discrete. The others laugh at this and so Adolphus instead decides to go on his own to the Post Office and investigate there to see if they are in league with the Devil Cult.
Johanna suggests going to a tavern and asking the locals, which they agree to. They leave Julia and Helmut to guard the Professor and head to East Town. They enter the Templar’s Arms, which is within sight of the Cross Keys house.
Bart leaves them and tries to approach some of the local beggars, but finds them rather hostile. He is unable to find a spot to watch the Cross Keys house, as he is threatened by the local gang to move on. He returns to the Templar’s arms and asks about what happened to the locksmith and in the end discovers that only a few weeks ago, some Witch Hunters from Stuttgart discovered the place was infested with Devil Worshippers.
The locksmith and the tenants above were all put on trial, convicted and hanged. The last hanging was only a few days ago. Bart asks if the Witch Hunters had legitimate paperwork and apparently the local magistrates considered them legitimate.
The others are near enough to overhead this conversation. Johanna then starts general chats with those sat near her. She learns Aachen is an Imperial City that is mostly independent of the Empire. It is ran by the Graf Boris Todbringer, whose family has ran the City for hundreds of years.
Graf Boris has had a number of tragedies with his family. His first wife died during child birth, giving birth to a son who is not right in the head. He can sit all day staring at a wall or talking to people who are not there. The Graf married again to try to get a new heir, but that wife recently died childless. Since then, Graf Boris has not been seen much in public and his advisors run the City.
The Graf has two illegitimate children, who he has recognised. Heinrich, a son, and Katarina, a daughter, known as “The Princess”. Due to Inheritance Law though, neither of them can inherit the Throne. They are both held in high regard, as is the Graf.
The conversation turns angry as locals argue over who Princess Katarina should marry. One of the leading candidates is Dieter Schmiedehammer, the Graf’s campion.
There is also talk about the war and how Prince Eugene’s victories in Italy are being undone by the French, now that he has been forced to come north and deal with the Orcs, Witches and Devil Worshippers within the Empire.
Bart continues to watch the Cross Keys building from the Inn while drinking and playing cards, but no one goes near the place. The streets are busy with people setting up stalls and decorations for the Carnival, which starts tomorrow.
The inn gets busier and busier as time goes by until it is completely full. It becomes so noisy that it is hard to hear each other. The group find themselves relaxing and enjoying the party atmosphere. They have done a lot of hard travelling by horseback recently.
The others head back late to their house in Old Town, finding Adolphus already home. He tells them that he found no evidence of cult activity at the Post Office. He was able to determine that Cross Keys does get post and sometimes it will be returned, but in the main it is still delivered to the empty house. Adolphus remains suspicious though.
He agrees to Johanna’s suggestion to go to the Magistrates office in the morning and ask about the Witch Hunters.
Bart gets rather drunk but has to leave the Templar’s Arms when it closes around 1am. He stays in the area until 3am and makes his way to the back of the Cross Keys building. He realises he will need to pry the boards from a door or window, which he is able to do so with his tool kit. He notices it is not as difficult as it looks and suspects that the boards have been removed and replaced regularly.
Inside the building is a mess, with items strewn everywhere. The ground floor has mostly keys and locksmith equipment, but anything of real value has been removed or stolen. Upstairs are three more levels where the shop staff lived and above that others rented rooms. Clothing and other items are scattered around and floor boards have been lifted in up a lot of places.
On the top level, almost all the floor boards have been removed and signs of the cross have been drawn in multiple places, suggesting that was where signs of Devil Worship were found. He finds a small magic totem that was missed by the Witch Hunters.
There is a small pile of unopened post lying under the main letterbox, which Bart takes, along with a few items he hopes he can sell. He then heads back to the house and gets to sleep late.
In the morning, they get up late due to a late night.
One of the letters Bart brought from Cross Keys is addressed to Captain Scharlach. Johanna opens and reads it. It is rather cryptic, using phrases that clearly have a meaning to the Cult. She asks Professor Heidelmann to help translate what they mean. The old man is rather patronising but co-operates in the end. The letter speaks of a place with a code name has been destroyed and “the weather has stopped happening”. It then goes on to hope that “the plan” is coming to fruition and what they can do to help.
It is signed as “Adeptus Major”, which Heidelmann confirms is an upper mid-level tier in the cult. The Professor also says it is Cult policy not to say anything explicit and always write in code.
Heidelmann thinks the destroyed place is most likely Castle Wittgenstein and from the code used, it is likely it came from the local cult in Munster. It is the largest town near the Castle and where they sold the barge. The cult in Munster are likely keeping watch and reporting about local events of importance to the Master in Aachen.
Bart shows Adolphus the little totem he found in the house. Adolphus tells him it is a curse item and he encourages Johanna to try to do a banishing on it, but she does not do very well. He shows her again how to do a banishing.
Adolphus goes off to investigate who the Witch Hunters were, taking Leon with him. They discover from the Magistrates office that the Witch Hunters were licensed from Stuttgart and teamed up with someone who works for the (Protestant) Bishop of Aachen at the Cathedral of Aachen.
Adolphus goes to the Cathedral and finds out that there is a Witch Hunter resident in Aachen, Berthold Müller. He meets up with Berthold and cross-questions him about the Cross Keys building. Apparently, the Witch Hunters from out of town had discovered a Devil Cult operating in Stuttgart, which was co-responding with that address in Aachen.
They came north to Aachen and had the local Magistrate raid the house and arrest everyone inside. They then found signs of Devil Worship on the top floor. Berthold then arranged for all those in the house to be convicted and hanged, an outcome he is proud of.
Adolphus then points out that the people in Cross Keys would only have been lowly members of the Cult. Was it discovered who they were working for? Berthold says no, they were not able to find out that information. Adolphus becomes angry that all the cultists were killed before it was possible to find out who the leaders of the cult were in Aachen. Berthold says they do not make deals with Witches.
Adolphus laments a missed opportunity to find out more about the leadership of the Cult. He asks how Berthold plans to find this and the only answer he gets is prayer and constant vigilance.
They leave the Cathedral. On the way back, Adolphus tells Leon he used to be like that, but Father Xavier taught him patience and to go for the leaders of the Cult. That is why he set up the trap to try to capture Kastor Lieberung.
Back at the house, Adolphus and Leon update the others on what they found out. Adolphus points out the Cross Keys building is their only lead. He suggests that Leon, Gert, Bart and Johanna secretly move into Cross Keys and lie in wait. Members of the Cult must still come from time to time, to collect post.
They discuss this and how it would work. After a long discussion, they agree it would be a good idea.
Helmut asks what he can do. Bart suggests he could come with them, but then suggests it would be better if he took a job in the Post Office. He will be able to identify from secret signs if cult members are operating there. Adolphus agrees with this and says the Post Office were looking for temporary staff when he went to visit them.
They make preparations to move into the Cross Keys building late that night. They will need to buy provisions and equipment. Bart plans for a trip wire to alert them if someone enters the house while they are there.
Professor Heidelmann asks if they have a map of the City. They do not and the old man says to let him know if they get one, without saying anything more.
They realise that the first day of the Carnival of Aachen is happening around them, the Festival of Ales at the Field of the Great Park.
Leon goes on his own to a hunters shop to buy bear traps and caltrops. Johanna and Gert decide to find a Printing Shop, to buy a map of Aachen. Johanna also procures some printed leaflets about the schedule of events at the Carnival. Adolphus takes Helmut to the Post Office and the young man starts work there immediately.
Bart goes back to East Town and sets to work trying to break into the local Thieves or Beggars guild. He discovers that the whole district is run by a single gang, the East Town Gang. He is able to plant a small purse of money in the back pocket of one of the local gang Made-Man, Bruno, who rejected him last time. One of Bruno’s thugs spots him as he moves away and points him out, but Bart moves quickly out of site.
Bart then comes back with a disguise, but Bruno recognises him regardless. He threatens to hurt Bart and cut his fingers off if he does not go away. Bart uses him charms to persuade him to listen. He says he is good at getting what he wants and he is prepared to pay the required cut to the gang.
Bruno says he must provide a joining fee, which is this case is a small barrel of French wine; a commodity that is harder to get these days due to the war. Bart then confuses and impresses Bruno by pointing out he has his purse in his back pocket and tells him to keep the money.
Bart then goes off to a stall at the Ale Festival and is able to procure a barrel of French wine, but he is spotted making away with it. Bart runs and is chased by the determined wine merchant.
The crowds are very dense in the street and Bart pushes his way through them as fast as he can, which is little more than walking pace. He sees the merchant is closing on him. He changes plan and sits at a nearly table, on the barrel and tries to blend in. The rouse works and the merchant does not spot him.
Bart manages to make it back to Bruno and hand over the wine barrel. Bruno tells him about the rules of the East Town Gang and allows him to operate in the area. The gang runs both the thieves and the beggars.
Karl the Pie Thief
Johanna and Gert end up near the Festival of Ales searching for a Printing Shop that sells maps. While they are there, they notice a young skinny boy holding a pie, running away from a pie stall, pursued by an angry pie seller. The boy bumps into Gert and the pie seller tells him to give the pie back. Instead, the boy takes a big bite out of the pie and tells him to relax, his friends here will pay him for the pie.
Gert does not look impressed, but the boy charms him into paying two pennies to the seller, who goes away annoyed but satisfied. The boy, Karl, thanks Gert for helping him out. He recognises them as out of towners and offers to be their local guide, but at the moment they do not need one.
Karl says he is usually in this area and if they ever need help, they can come to him. He says he is an orphan, but has three friends he has to look after.
They leave Karl and proceed onwards to the Printing Shop, where they get a large map of Aachen. Johanna strikes up a conversation with the shop owner, as she used to be in the printing business herself. She asks him about censorship. She learns that the Chancellor, Sparsam, licenses local printers and his office have to approve beforehand anything that is printed.
Things are a little more relaxed during the Carnival because daily events can change a short notice. There are standing rules at the moment about the problems with the Graf, discussion of which must be limited and sympathetic. Any criticism of the new taxes against Catholics has also been forbidden, as soon as those taxes were announced. Finally, news about the war with France are heavily censored, mainly by order of the Army.
When they get back to the house, Bart, Adolphus and Leon are back as well. Professor Heidelmann offers to do some pendulum divination with the map to try to find out where the cult is operating in the City. Bart and Adolphus are immediately suspicious of this. Adolphus says it is Black Magic, but the Professor says no he is going to divine where Black Magic is being performed in the City.
They discuss this further, but do not trust the old man and decide not to take him up on this offer at the moment. There is always a chance that he could use the process to warn the local Cult instead.
Adolphus decides he will stay behind at the house with Helmut and Julia, to guard the Professor and act as a safe point, just in case the cult are somehow onto them. He proposes that Johanna should try to use her skills to perform a cleansing spell in the Cross Keys building. The others look sceptical.
They get ready that evening to leave for the Cross Keys building. Julia has been preparing dry food for them to take with them and cooks her usual hot stew that evening.
Helmut comes home and tells them at length about his first day at work. Adolphus and Julia both go to bed to avoid this tedious conversation and Helmut ends up talking to Professor Heidelmann.
Leon, Gert, Bart and Johanna leave for the East Town. When they get there, the others stay on the main road while Bart approaches the back of Cross Keys. He sees a group of people talking to a street urchin by the back of the building.
Bart drinks some ale and covers himself with it and staggers over towards the group. He sees that the boy is telling three men that he saw someone going into the house last night.
Bart bumps into one of the men. The man turns around and recognises Bart as Kastor Lieberung. They accost him and demand that he hand over the money he owns the cult.
Bart keeps his wits about him and quickly responds, tells them to keep their voices down. He says the money from Bogenhafen was a trap, he has been on the run from Witch Hunters ever since.
They tell him they have orders to kill him on sight, but thanks to the story he tells, they decide instead to take him with them back to their new safe house. Bart has no choice but to go along with this. They tie him up and take him into the street.
The others spot this and decide to follow them. Bart continues to babble at them along the way, embellishing a semi-true story about running into a Witch Hunter called Adolphus, who has been chasing him ever since.
The cultists take Bart across East Town to a slum area and take him into a very dark alley, but fortunately Gert is able to follow them. They take Bart into a rundown looking building, ducking under a damaged wall to get in. Leon prepares his pistols and heads inside. Johanna and Gert have no choice but to follow him.
The three cultists take Bart into a basement. They lock him in, saying they will be checking with the Master what to do. Bart he first tries to escape from his bonds, but unfortunately his attempts at tensing up while being tied up did not work.
He then realises that he is not alone in the room. It is dark, so he speaks to them. It is a girl, who says she was captured for trying to expose them as Devil Worshippers. He asks her to help cut his bonds, even though she is tied up as well. She has a hair pin which she can use and she is able to release him and then he unties her.
Leon slowly moves into the house, while Johanna and Gert stay back. Gert begins to load his blunderbuss. Leon goes through a door and finds a room with three other doors and two men sat at a table, eating. He shoots one of the men in the abdomen and the slashes the other in the right arm with his sword. The shot cultist hits Leon back with a club and injures him but the other cultist is too surprised to act.
Gert is still loading his blunderbuss and Johanna goes past him to help Leon.
Leon shoots the cultist who hit him with his second shot and he collapses, bleeding out. The other cultist, who Leon hit in the arm, goes to hit him, but Johanna steps in and shoots him first. She hits him in the left arm. With both arms injured, the cultist runs through a door behind him instead.
Bart hears the gun shots from the basement. He tries to pick the lock of the door with the hair pin, but the woman points out that they bar the door from the outside. The only weapon he can find is a blanket. He tells the woman to hide under the blanket, but she refuses and tells him she will stand by the door and grab whoever comes through.
Leon follows the injured cultist, who ran into a room with a damaged old table on one side and is dashing up the stairs on the other side, shouting about intruders.
Leon decides to check the other doors in the first room before heading upstairs, to ensure that they are not attacked from behind. Gert, who has loaded his blunderbuss now, and Johanna watch the stairs.
Leon discovers that one of the other doors from the first room leads to a kitchen and the outside. The other door has a hall with stairs heading down, which Leon decides to ignore. Leon wedges chairs to block all the other doors in the room and heads back to the stairs going up.
Gert and Johanna hear voices and movement upstairs. Someone looks down the stairs quickly then ducks out of view, shouting there is someone at the bottom of the stairs. Gert is cautious and waits for a firm target.
A woman then steps into view, wearing black robes and black, goth-style makeup and hair. She gestures strangely with her arms and shouts loudly to Gert “You are blind”. Gert feels some sort of force strike him, but he instinctively grabs his cross and resists the effect.
Gert then opens fire with his blunderbuss and blasts the Witch in the legs, knocking her over. Leon was just entering the room at the time and the noise of the blast stuns him for a moment.
A male cultist appears at the top of the stairs and fires a pistol at Gert, but there is just a click as it misfires. The cultist curses and moves out of site. Noises from upstairs suggest people moving around and a door open. The woman makes vague noises of distress, suggesting she is still alive.
Leon heads up the stairs. The Witch has been badly wounded by the blunderbuss and is bleeding out. Leon thinks she will likely die from the wound. He mutters something about he should keep her alive so they can hang her. When she starts to try to speak to him, he kicks her in the head to ensure she does not curse him with her dying breath, like Elektra did.
Leon sees three doors upstairs, one is closed on the left and two are open on the right. He heads for the first open door, which looks like the Witch’s room. There is a sideboard with two black candles either side of a mirror, but a cloth covers it. No one is in the room.
He quickly leaves and checks the next room, which is a room with a number of beds. The window to this room is open, but no one in it.
Leon leaves that room as well and heads for the room with the closed door. Much to his disappointment though, it is simply a storeroom with no one in it.
Johanna begins to search the Witch’s room.
Gert sees people running along the roof away from the building through the open window in the room with three beds. He realises that the cultists have fled that way. Leon tells him to go find Bart and climbs out of the window, intend on pursuing them. As he does, his foot slips in the darkness and he nearly falls down the side of the building. He decides not to follow the cultists.
Gert goes down the stairs to the basement, unbars the door and releases Bart and the woman prisoner. Bart punches Gert in the face as he comes in, but manages to pull the blow somewhat.
The girl then shoves a blanket over Gert and attempts to flee up the stairs, but by instinct, Gert is able to block her. Bart then tries to grab her, but she knocks his hands away and tells him to leave her alone.
Bart demands Gert update him on what has happened. They head up the stairs and the woman follows cautiously.
A large, black raven with glowing red eyes suddenly flies in through the open window upstairs. Leon points his gun at it, but it flies directly at him and he misses. It flies past him and lands on the body of the dying Witch.
The others come running at the sound of the gunshot. They look at the raven in fear. It caws unnaturally loudly at them. Bart is horrified as he has seen such a raven before and runs down the stairs back to the basement. Leon decides to shoot it and this time he hits and kills it, feathers doing everywhere.
The woman from the basement comes up the stairs, wondering who these strangers are. Leon tips his hat to her. Gert covers her with his gun and asks who she is.
She says her name is Sophia. The men in the house kidnapped her because she has been investigating them as Devil Worshippers. There is a cult of them operating in Aachen. She has been investigating them. Johanna says they are doing the same.
Leon tells her they could probably call themselves Witch Hunters. Johanna says it is a long story.
Sophia says she works for Father Brunswick, from the Catholic Church. She had identified the cultist cell operating from this house but unfortunately, they discovered her sneaking around and captured her. She was initially taken to another location, exactly where she is not sure.
The Witch continues to make noises and is not yet dead. Leon decides to give her smelling salts and try to get some answers from her. She wakes up and talks about red eyes coming for her. Johanna says the Devil is coming for her, but there is a chance for her to repent.
Sophia asks her where the Master is and the Witch says he is in the sewers. Leon asks who the Master is, but she does not know. That is secret.
The Witch then begins to die. They tell her she must help them to avoid going to hell. The Witch’s dying words at that she welcomes the arms of the Devil. Sophia does last rights over her.
Sophia says the head of the Devil Cult is called the Magister Templi. They consider whether he is in the sewers. Johanna mentions the original temple they found in sewers of Bogenhafen, though that was simply a basement room to a house that had a side entrance via the sewers.
Sophia points out that a tax has recently been levied against Catholics in Aachen. That is because they are closing in on the cult. It is clear someone high up in the government of the city is working for the cult.
She says when she was first captured, she was taken underground, perhaps to the sewers, but she does not know where. She was blindfolded. They had another prisoner there, a woman of some significance, but she only met her briefly. Some vicious cult member questioned her at length but she does not know a lot and refused to talk. The cult then moved her back to this house.
Gert wonders where Bart is and Sophia says she thinks he ran to the basement. Gert heads back down and brings him back up. Bart recovers the items the cultists took off him in the storeroom.
Johanna finishes searching the Witch’s room and finds a leaflet with some interesting notes written on it, which she takes.Leon puts the dead raven into a sack to take with them.
They decide not to dwell in the house and to head back to the house in Old Town. Sophia decides to come with them, although she has some reservations about meeting a Protestant Witch Hunter.
Bart decides not to go with them and instead, secretly, plans to find a local Imam, for some spiritual reassurance.
They leave the slums and after some wrong turns, they get back to the house in the Old Town.
Adolphus demands to know who Sophia is before she is allowed into the house. He is aghast to learn she is Catholic. She says she is a member of the Nova Inquisition, dedicated to hunting down Devil Worship. The two exchange barbs over their rival religious denominations, but Adolphus allows her in the house in the end.
They update Adolphus on events and that they found a cultist safe house.
Sophia is surprised to see a nice old man handcuffed to a chair and is shocked to discover that Professor Heidelmann is a Devil Cultist. Helmut mentions he was a member of the cult and Adolphus saved him.
In the end, they end up telling Sophia the entire story of their adventures so far.
Sophia agrees that they should work together. Leon wonders what the cult is ultimately aiming to do and she says Father Brunswick thinks they seek to bring about the birth of the Anti-Christ, which will trigger the Apocalypse and the end of the World.