Introduction | The Realm of Mhoried | Torien's Watch | Clans | Creating a Character | Characters | World Lore of Cerilia | Story Log of Game Play
This campaign will use a home brew game system of my own creation. It is a strange mix of d20 System and Runequest, with bits of other systems mixed in when I like them.
This page is still under construction.
Part of this process is taken out of the Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) RPG for creating noble houses in that game.
Determine the name of your clan, it's motto and Coat of Arms.
Each Clan is rated on 7 resources.
Each clan starts with a base of 20 in each resource.
Your clan's starting resources are then modified based on the current location of the clan. The exact modifiers will need to be determined in discussion with the Game Master and is not an exact science. It will be useful to use the examples of modifiers from Westeros lands given in the table below.
Historical events that happened to the clan can modify their resources. Roll at least twice on the table below and apply the results.
Add all the numbers in each resources to get the final total for your clan.
Starting 20 + Locational Modifiers + Historical Events = Total in each Resource.
These totals will help show the "characteristics" of your clan and how they compare to each other. The numbers may be modified further during other steps in character creation should it seem appropriate.
Roll 1d20+20 to determine your character's Bloodline Strength.
You can purchase Blood Abilities using your Bloodline Strength points. The more points you spend in an ability, the more powerful the effect will be.
5-10 points generally gets a passive, weaker ability.
15-20 points generally gets a more active ability, or a powerful passive ability.
25-30 points generally gets a powerful, active ability.
The exact numbers and abilities is not yet fully determined and this is open to player suggestions.
Players wishing their character to have some sort of magic / spell casting ability, should leave plenty of Blood Strength unspent, as that is the pool from which you can draw power to create spells.
Animal Affinity
Die Hard
Direction Sense
Enhanced Senses
Healing Touch
Iron Will
Fast Healing
Resistance to Cold / Heat / Diease / Poison / Hunger / Thirst etc
The game starts in the year 826IC, by the Imperial Calendar. Your personal family line could stretch back hundreds of years or more before then, but the important events start with your frandfather.
Determine your grandfather's name, then roll 1d20 and add it to 750. That is the year your Grandfather was born. Or decide this if that makes more sense.
Roll 1d20+10 to determine when he got married.
Roll on the Child Birth table for each of the three years following his marriage to determine if he had children. The sex of the child is determined by a die roll - odd = male, even = female. This process can be modified in order to ensure a male child is born in sufficient time for him to be your character's father.
Then determine your grandfather's involvement in historical events from the year 776. Use the Family Historical Events Table, below.
The age of consent in Anuirean society is 14. A character aged after that and married can roll to see if they have a child.
01-07 No child. 08 Miscarriage. 09 Still born. 10 Difficult birth. Roll 1d20 twice for Mother and Child. 1-10 died. 11-20 survived. 11 Died Young. 12-20 Healthy Child.
Determine your father's name. The year your father was born should have been determined in the grandfather steps above.
Roll 1d20+10 to determine how old he was when he got married and which year it was.
Roll on the Child Birth table for each of the three years following his marriage to determine if he had children. The sex of the child is determined by a die roll - odd = male, even = female.
This process can be modified in order to ensure that your character was born around the right time to be the age you want him to be.
Then starting from either the year after your grandfather died, or when your father turned 18, determine his involvement in historical events. Use the Family Historical Events Table, below.
Determine your name. During your father's family history, you will have been born. If this is not the case, it will be necessary to adjust the time line of that he is.
Roll 1d20+10 to determine how old he will be when he gets married. If that means he will be married before his current age - your character is already married.
If your character turns 18 before the year 526, he will be of fighting age and will need to determine his involvement in historical events. Use the Family Historical Events Table, below.
Beginning in the year 776, important historical events, mostly battles occuried that your family will be involved in. Once a character turns 18, they will be expected to be involved in events. If all are alive and of age, it is possible for Grandfather, Father and your character to be involved in the same battle.
Characters over 50 are not expected to take part in battles and if they do, -4 to the survival roll.
Year | Event | P Yr | P Evt | Details |
776 | Battle of | 480 | Battle of Windsor | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
788 | Rebellion of | 492 | Rebellion of Cornwall | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
789-790 | Quiet Period | 493-4 | Quiet Period | Roll - Survival |
791 | Battle of | 495 | Battle of St Albans | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
792-803 | Long Peace | 496-507 | Long Peace | Roll - What did you do? (Possible Adventure) |
804 | Battle of | 508 | Battle of Winchester | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
806 | Death of the Mhor | 510 | King Arthour Crowned | Roll - involvement in coronation. |
807 | Rebellion against new Mhor | 511 | Battle of Carlion | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
809 | Northern Invasion of | 513 | Battle of Terrabil | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
810 | Tournaments of the New Mhor | 514 | King Arthur Marriage | Roll - involvement in Tourney |
811-813 | Quiet Period | 515-517 | King Arthur Marriage | Roll - Survive |
814 | Battle of | 518 | Battle of Badon | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
815-821 | Peace | 519-525 | Peace | Roll - What did you do? (Possible Adventure) |
816 | Battle Between Red Clan and MacRuaidhri (Green) Clan | 520 | None | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
822 | Battle of | 526 | Battle of Flanders | Roll - take part in battle. Roll - Survive Battle. |
826 | Current Year |